having completed your masterpiece...
...I can whole-heartedly give it a ten star rating that I reserve for only the finest of games. You've certainly crafted a marvelous game with an emotional story and gorgeous soundtrack, as well as some fantastic RPG elements.
Sadly, no game is perfect, and I have to point out a few flaws. While I could find no issues with this game off the battlefield, combat felt a bit clunky overall. Movement was stiff, and weapon selection was a bit awkward, not to mention having to reach halfway across my keyboard to use overdrive. Hit detection also felt a bit wonky at times, and I often found myself phasing through or getting stuck on walls -__-. Another small complaint I had was that some of your graphics were a bit lackluster, such as laser beams that always point horizontally, even if they're moving vertically. Some of your worst graphics appear in the boss fights, though. The giant snail boss was a bit ugly and could've used some animation as opposed to being one static image, and the monolith was simply awful to look at. I know you could've done a better job on that. Lastly, repeating environments got boring after a bit. ure the game was fun in the start, but it began to have a sort of "beenthere donethat" vibe near the later levels.
Don't get me wrong, this is a wonderful game, and certainly the best I know of on NG. It deserves all of the praise it has earned so far and then some - it just has a few issues that you may want to consider for your next game. Be that a sequel to Starwish or a whole new game entirley, I wait with baited breath to play your next work of art.